Prolotherapy, or proliferation therapy, is a minimally-invasive injection-based treatment that is used to treat joint and ligament pain. 

Prolotherapy treatments are a faster, less invasive, and less costly treatment option than surgery for many common musculoskeletal issues of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, and spinal joints.

There are three primary types of prolotherapy injections: 

1) dextrose/sugar water shots 
2) PRP shots (platelet rich plasma)
3) bone marrow / fat stem cell injections

The most common prolotherapy procedures are done with dextrose and PRP. PRP is popular because it uses the healing  cells from your own blood.

how does a prp treatment work?

platelet rich plasma blood draw
  1. Blood Draw: A Woz Wellness nurse will take a blood sample with a simple blood draw. This blood is spun in a centrifuge and the PRP is extracted. Only this part of your blood sample is then injected back into the affected area. 
  2. Prepare the Area: Dr. Woznica will thoroughly examine and prepare the treatment area. 
  3. PRP Injections: Dr. Woznica injects the treatment area with the PRP. He may use ultrasound to target specific regions.  
  4. Wrap it Up: Dr. Woznica will bandage the area and send you home to heal with a treatment plan specific to your healing journey.  

what happens after a treatment?

Most patients report pressure and discomfort in the injection site for two to seven days afterwards. This discomfort is expected and is part of the healing process. 

Multiple sessions are needed to fully heal. It usually takes anywhere from 3-5 treatments to be fully healed. At each treatment Dr. Woznica assess the pain to see how you are improving. He may also look at the area under ultrasound to analyze the healing process in order to determine if more treatments are needed or if you are ready to be discharged.

Our goal at Woz Wellness is to help your body heal itself as quickly and as safely as possible.

Have a question about Prolotherapy? Ask Dr. Dave! Email us your questions at or text or call anytime at 844-467-7656.

dr. david woznica, MD, MS