ultrasound machine for prolotherapy

Ultrasound is one of my favorite tools to use before, during, and after prolotherapy treatments.

Before a prolotherapy, PRP, or stem cell treatment begins, I may use the ultrasound machine to identify injured tissues and overly loose joints, or lax ligaments. This helps me to create the best treatment plan based on your specific injury. For example, some patients only experience pain with specific movements. The ultrasound can be used to dynamically evaluate a patient while moving to identify the problem area. This ability to evaluate a patient while moving is a vast benefit over MRI which is typically done in a single position. Like an MRI, there is no radiation associated with ultrasound. 

I may also use ultrasound in the initial evaluation of a joint to look for abnormal swelling, spurring, and tears of tissue. One of the best features of the ultrasound is the ability to target a test dose of a numbing agent into a specific spot, to identify if that spot is causing most of your pain. 

The ultrasound machine is also one of the greatest tools I use actively during prolotherapy procedures. I often use it to perform safe and effective prolotherapy treatments in areas that are more complicated or complex such as the spine, the hip, and around nerves. 

After we give the area some time to proliferate and heal, I may then continue to use the ultrasound machine to see how the areas are regenerating and healing. 

Click here to learn more about how Prolotherapy healing works! 

Using the ultrasound after treatments are completed to review progress allows us to adapt the healing plan for the fastest minimally invasive pain relief possible.

Have a question about Prolotherapy? Ask Dr. Dave! Email us your questions at ContactUs@WozWellness.com or text or call anytime at 844-467-7656.

dr. david woznica, MD, MS