prolotherapy on knee

One of the most common questions we hear is “Will prolotherapy help me?”

If you can answer yes to most of the following questions, then you may be a great candidate for prolotherapy!

• Do you have pain that is activity triggered?

• Are you able to move the joint at least partially on your own or with help?

• Do you minimize tobacco use and have a fairly healthy diet?

The best candidates for prolotherapy are people who minimize tobacco use, have a healthy diet, and have good range of motion in the areas that have pain. Also, patients who have pain that is activity-triggered instead of constant have the fastest healing response. The sooner you begin treatment after having an injury the sooner your body will heal. 

Prolotherapy is an extremely safe treatment option when done by an experienced practitioner. This makes prolotherapy an ideal treatment for anyone experiencing musculoskeletal pain regardless of age, sex, etc. 

Fun Fact: Patients of all ages and demographics are treated by Dr. Dave at Woz Wellness. Patients travel internationally to be treated at our offices in Chicago, Illinois and Stuart, Florida. 

Another question we get asked frequently is “What type of prolotherapy is best for me?” The answer to this question depends on the severity of the injury and certain lifestyle factors such as how much time you can take to recover from a prolotherapy treatment. 

For example, if an athlete has an injury in the middle of their sports season and cannot take more than a few days to recover, a non-cellular prolotherapy treatment may be recommended at that time. However, if this same injury were reported in another patient who can take more time to recover, a more advanced treatment plan may be recommended such as PRP or bone marrow. 

Dr. Dave is ready to create a custom prolotherapy treatment plan for you that is tailored to your specific injury and lifestyle. He will discuss which prolotherapy treatment is best for your injury, how many sessions he believes you will need, estimated costs, and answers any questions you may have prior to your first treatment. 

Our goal is to provide fast, minimally invasive pain relief to get you back to doing the things you love.

Have a question about Prolotherapy? Ask Dr. Dave! Email us your questions at or text or call anytime at 844-467-7656. 

dr. david woznica, MD, MS